Dalya Moon is an independent author with several books under her belt.  The Smart Mouth Waitress is the second book of her Life in Saltwater City Series. Her books in this series have characters that might appear in other novels, but are very stand-alone reads.

Peridot, Perry to her friends or Dottie to her mother, is an 18-year-old young lady that wants a boyfriend. She thinks she’s very individual and off-beat, yet her wants and needs are very mainstream. She finds herself agreeing with things her mom has done or said, which is slightly disgruntling yet normal for a young lady transitioning from teenage crazies to adulthood. Her friend, Courtney, has a new lover that brings a bit of angst to their relationship. Britain (the new lover) and Perry do not see eye-to-eye, yet Courtney thinks they all should be friends. Of course, this brings some scenes  that require Perry to make decisions about their friendship.

Perry’s two possible boyfriends bring different things to her decision making. She finds herself drawn to both of them, and they’re friends with each other. Then, she finds that “getting” a boyfriend is not as easy as she thought. She changes her looks hoping to catch the eye of the first one, only to catch the eye of the second. They go through the come-hither, go-away issues until Perry’s mind is made up for her.

Her work place is a fun place where being a smart mouth is a plus. It brings fun, engaging conversation and embarrassing occasions to Perry. She takes on added responsibilities as her mom leaves town to pursue her career and Perry is left in charge at home. Her younger brother is fun, gets in a spot of trouble, yet we get to see the sibling interaction as realistic. Her dad has some issues with ADD and anxiety yet is still the “dad” for the family.

Overall, I’d say The Smart Mouth Waitress is a fun read that is easy to read as well. As an  independent I only found one typo in it, which is a huge plus with indie publishing.

NOTE: I won this book through MemberGiveaways on LibraryThing.

10/21/2012 02:42:22 pm

I would like to read this. It sounds great. I do not have a kindle or the funds to purchase one! Why can't I read this any other way? Not Fair! I LOVE reading! I am upset that I will not be able to read this funny story just because I do not have this device! Outraged! Even a paperback copy would do!


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